Shows from September 2011 to Present Part 8

15. Our Girls – May 18, 2012
            The 2nd show from the Drama Department has arrived!  The production of Conrad Seller’s Our Girls under the direction of Mr. Robert Frisch was sure to be good one. It definitely was.   
            The play is set up on The Lovejoy family who has named their sons “Jesse,” “Francis” and “Vivian,” because Mildred’s Aunt Jessie doesn’t like boys. Aunt Jessie lives in England, so it has been easy to deceive her.  She must never know that the “girls” who are to inherit her money are boys — very real boys. They “scrap” with Chester Wattles, are accused by Mrs. Wattles of breaking her windows, and act as other boys do.  Each one will receive $5,000 on his sixteenth birthday and more when he comes of age. Vivian is nearly sixteen, and Father plans to borrow part of the $5,000 to expand his business.  Then the blow falls! Aunt Jessie has decided to pay a visit and bestow on her eldest “niece” in person the $5,000. What can be done? The boys must be girls — during Aunt Jessie’s visit.  The boys are won over, dressed as girls and carefully rehearsed. Aunt Jessie arrives and finds Mildred’s “daughters” strange creatures indeed. All is well, however, until Vivian decides to put on his own clothes to see Phyllis, his girl, whom he has had to neglect.  Aunt Jessie sees him slipping out — Vivian, her niece, in shirt, pants, and cap, and cropped hair! The truth is out and it looks as though all is lost. But after the old lady gives the family a scare, she relents.  The play puts a new angle on the old theme — boys masquerading as girls.
            The show was hilariously great.  I was in my seat having a ball just like the rest of the audience. The cast really worked well together.  Both drama productions were outstanding to watch this year. 

*If you are interested in seeing shows at Frank Sinatra School of the Arts call up Ms. Cathy Marcheta to reserve tickets. Call at 718 392 5025 or email 

16. F.S.S.A. Spring Dance Show – May 3rd, 2012
            Another F.S.S.A. show that is one of the highlights of the year is the Spring Dance Show which is done in conjunction with American Ballet Theatre (with the Make a Ballet program) with the dance department.  This yearly concert showcases dances of all styles including ballet, tap, modern, etc.  Majority of the dances were really outstanding to name a few like “To “T” with Love” which was choreographed by F.S.S.A.’s own Ms. Luba Ash, an “Alice in Wonderland” themed dance (“Adventures in Wonderland”), “Made by Chance” which was the Make a Ballet presentation,    “Rockafeller Rhythm” and “N.Y. Export: Opus Jazz” which gave me a Jerome Robbins feel (since it is his choreography).  Over all, I really enjoyed and had a great night.

*If you are interested in seeing shows at Frank Sinatra School of the Arts call up Ms. Cathy Marcheta to reserve tickets. Call at 718 392 5025 or email 


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